Hey there everybody!!! This year felt as if it just zipped on by and we are at mid December already! Have you finished all of your shopping? Are you looking to simplify your gift giving? Are you looking for something to do other than give people things they may not want or need? Well here is some food for thought................
~ Have a gift exchange instead of buying multiple gifts.
~ Don't get gifts for your immediate family, but do something charitable for someone else. Our family has done this and loved it!
~ Instead of individual gifts, go on a family trip and enjoy the experience! We've done this too!
~ For those that you want to buy gifts for, get them a Simply Good Soap Gift Card, because everybody needs to bathe, it's something they will use up, they get to pick what they want and they will have Happy Skin!

The best part about the gift card is that it can be totally last minute........SGS shipping stops on the 16th 11:59 pm until January 2nd, 2023! You can order a gift card after the 16th, add a personalized message and it goes straight to the inbox of the person you are gifting!
There's also still time to get or give a VIP Box for this year as well as starting the New Year well.

I'll be posting again in a couple of weeks, with updates and news for the New Year, so until then stay safe and have a Merry Christmas!